WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE GIVING UP (Motivational Speech)


 At some point, if you live in this life, you're gonna face disappointment, you're gonna face defeat, you're gonna face devastation, some bad things gonna happen to you that you're gonna get some setbacks you're going to lose some loved ones I don't care who you are I don't care what you do at some time you are going to get tired and sometimes you're going to get in a rut seems like nothing you do works outright. Sometimes it just seems like you just don't have the wherewithal or the will to do anything and depressed, feeling helpless, feeling useless. What do you do? How do you get yourself out of the roomHow do you when you know you can do more than what you've been doing, and you're not doing it? You're just continuing where you are you get angry at yourself we have all these new thoughts that come about you start saying yourself, I'm so alone nobody understands me nobody gets me I'm the only one to ever go through something like this I'm a mess up I'm a failure I'd be better off not being here nobody would miss me I'm all alone right now, why would anybody care if I was gonehere I am I'm just alone we just keep feeding ourselves this toxic thinking and literally what I've learned in these moments of anxiety is that I have to stop listening to I and I have to start talking to myself I'm like rich you're great I'm literally like you can do this rich you can handle this rich this is not a big deal rich is going to pass you're amazing rich this too shall pass you've got to find ways to increase your sense of self-appreciation because if you don't you're bombarded with negative stuff every day that beats you down and you will find yourself unconsciously engaged in self-destructive behavior if you don't program yourself life will program you it doesn't matter about what happens to you what matters is what are you going to do about it I am sick and tired of people coming to me saying that they had a setback it is a part I love the sun but things don't grow because of the sun you have to have some rain and you've got to stop looking at rain in your life as something bad let me tell you something my greatest moments didn't come from my greatest moments my greatest moments came from my greatest defeats because it was during my defeat that I had to find a way to get back up if you're tired of starting over stop quitting if your life at times feels like looks like labor you are doing it right keep on pushing I'm telling you what there is a breakthrough coming and when you're holding your prize the pain and the suffering will pale in comparison don't give up it will be worth it life is ten percent what happens to you ninety percent of how you react you're gonna need some energy you're gonna need something so powerful you're gonna need something with real life happens you're gonna need some the energy that can get you going and get you through this and I'm telling you the way to ignite the dream is you got to shut out every single thing and you got to believe I am the greatest and so life normally breaks you because when it hits you you weren't ready but if you stay ready and you stay plugged up when you hear bad news it doesn't break you because you already energized today might not be the day but soon it will be my day and I will recycle my pain when you ain't got none left in your tape you got to think about the people in your life that you're doing this for and then if you could think about them you could go one more mile you would go one more day at work so the days I want to hit that alarm clock I think about my why I can't stop I can't get tired I can't give up I can't give in my mama counting on me my wife is counting on me listen to me I wish i could tell you it's gonna get easier I wish i could tell you that if you just keep going the weight is gonna get lighter I wish i could tell you that but that's not the truth is you gotta find something within and that's gotta push you and that's gotta elevate you and that's gotta drive you and that's gotta move you and when you find you are why you find away to make it happen you.

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