2020 Apple MacBook Pro



2020 Apple MacBook Pro

2020 Apple MacBook Pro

2020 Apple MacBook Pro


 what's up guys here and welcome to vey minor updates  by apple  so we got ipad pro earlier this year for  a minor update we had macbook air  earlier also a minor update we got  iphone se literally shares a bunch of  parts from a previous three-year-old  phone  so next up is this guy this is the newly  announced 2020 13-inch macbook pro  refresh so for a little context this  laptop 13-inch macbook pro has been my  go-to for a couple years now

 you know  the macbook air it's nice but it's a  little too lightweight it doesn't offer  all the performance that i want for  bigger things like photo editing and  then the bigger 16-inch macbook pro it's  more powerful yes but it's also a little  bigger than i want to carry around so  it's been like my go-to but for the past  five months i've been telling people do  not buy a 13-inch macbook pro that's  because once we saw the refresh of the  bigger one the 16-inch macbook pro we  knew that it was coming to the smaller  one in fact that was the whole theme the  whole title of my review of the bigger  laptop was now do it to the smaller one  so now they have well  mostly  this is a truly very minor revision it's  like a a spec bump that in most years  wouldn't make news  but it does this year so let's get into  it let's show what's exactly new and why  i care about this laptop that's been my  go-to for so long so number one most  importantly the butterfly keyboard from  the 16-inch macbook pro is

now in this  refresh as well goodbye butterfly  switches you won't be missed welcome  back dedicated escape button welcome  back inverted t arrow keys and welcome  back real key travel you get that  millimeter of key travel and you've  heard me say before this is already so  much of a better typing experience a  better keyboard in the long run and then  internally it's a spec bump so it's up  to the newest 10th gen intel chips  quad-core across the board all the way  up to a quad-core i7 if you want one and  that also comes with iris graphics  improvements still not a dedicated gpu  option in this 13-inch laptop but at  least these new ios graphics are more  powerful  they're good enough now to drive a pro  display xdr if you wanted to so they are  improved and then there's also double  the starting storage it now starts at  512 gigs and goes all the way up to 4  terabytes which is sick so it's it's  always nice to have a lot of fast  internal storage and that's exactly what  this is and then baseline 16 gigs of  faster  lpddr4x ram now you can go up to 32 gigs

 it's all a pretty nice spec bump here  but wait a minute  wait a minute  there's actually kind of two versions of  this new 13-inch macbook pro there's the  high-end one  and there's the baseline ones so all  these new specs that i've been giving  you the new intel chips the new higher  end base storage the new faster ram all  this stuff  only applies  to the higher end new 13-inch macbook  pros  the lower end doesn't get any of them so  if you look at apple's site you can see  the breakdown the baseline ones still  have the 8th gen intel chips they still  start at 8 gigs of slower lpddr3 ram  there's just 256 gigs of storage and  they also only have two thunderbolt 3  ports instead of all four so basically  these baseline configs that they're  selling are essentially the last year  13-inch macbook pro just with the new  keyboard and that's why i said at the  beginning the the keyboard is the number  one new thing because across the board

 they all get the new keyboard which is  great um but for people who care about  performance  that's going to cost more now as dave 2d  so eloquently mentions in his video the  likely reason apple went with these 8th  gen intel chips for the baseline configs  is cost meaning the difference in  performance between a low end 8th gen  chip and a low end 10th gen chip  is pretty small but the cost difference  is 100 bucks plus so basically for  people who are buying these baseline  versions who presumably don't care as  much about performance as cost  this will be an okay trade-off for them  to save that money  i'll leave the full link to dave's video  below of course this review unit that  i've been using from apple  is a high-end one it's one of the  highest ones actually it's a quad core  i7  32 gigs of ram and two terabytes of  storage and it's about as ideal for me  as possible like i said the 13-inch  macbook pro is my go-to and this is the  highest and 13-inch  but it's also 3 000  and so for that price i think a lot of  people will start to care more about  performance which then brings in the  much bigger much more powerful 16-inch  macbook pro into the mix and that gets

  you a much better thermal design a  dedicated gpu which is important and an  8 core core i9 for roughly the same  price that's a huge difference so it  leaves this 13-inch macbook pro the way  it's priced and just the way it sits in  the lineup in a sort of an awkward  middle child spot again  you know if people care more about  performance and they're willing to spend  more on that well the 16-inch macbook  pro sits right on the other side of that  just spend a little more and get that  way more performance  or if people are going for the baseline  because they want to save a little money  they don't care as much about  performance they want a lower price  well then the macbook air sits right on  the other side where you can save even  more money and not have that macbook pro  performance so either way you heard all  the new specs and the internals and how  much you're able to take advantage of  them really depends on things like your  workflow and the apps you're already  using you already know they have to be  well optimized but the rest of this  laptop is the same as we've known for so  long same design although technically

 it  is about one millimeter thicker to  accommodate this new keyboard so worth  it but yeah touch bar is still here the  huge trackpad is still here  same battery life and yep same quality  720p webcam as the past couple years of  apple laptops  now the the speakers and microphone have  also improved to the same level as a  16-inch macbook pro uh the microphone  you're hearing right now  sounds pretty good in this empty room  still a bit of echo but that's that's my  fault and the speakers you know it's not  as big of a laptop but for a laptop of  this size  best-in-class speakers again which is  awesome but yeah  the company that makes the best  smartphone cameras in the world  still makes this and  this 13-inch screen with uh  reasonable but still kind of thick  looking bezels  is still here

 you know a lot of people  were expecting including me a 14 inch  macbook pro the same way they bumped up  by one inch the size of the larger  macbook pro so  is it reasonable to still expect that  they might do that in the future  i don't really know anymore i want to  hope for it but i don't necessarily  think so so this is  a small update i think is what we're  getting at here but don't get me wrong  small updates are still a good thing we  need small updates i'm with renee  ritchie when he mentions that frequent  minor updates and spec bumps to just  keep things running up to date  are a good thing i would love to see an  imac update right now i would love to  see a mac mini update

 i'd love to see  more frequent minor updates just to keep  things up to date i would rather not  have to tell people don't buy a macbook  pro for five months because we know the  new keyboard is going to get updated  eventually but since we clearly don't  get those regular smaller updates from  apple the updates that we do get are a  bigger deal and we pay more attention to  them so this laptop this is the perfect  laptop for like my use case where i know  exactly what i want i don't want to  carry a bigger 16-inch macbook pro but i  still want more performance for things  like photo editing and occasional work  that the macbook air can't quite keep up  with  like this is ideal but of course it's  always worth noting and i have reviewed  the bigger more powerful 16-inch mac book  pro and the sort of default apple laptop  for starting out the macbook ai

r i'll  leave them both below the like button  and now it's just sort of a question of  are we still expecting a 14-inch macbook  pro or a or maybe an arm macbook or  something like that in the next year so  the rumors point to yes wwdc is coming  up in a couple months maybe it won't be  that early but that's something to think  about so for me you know this is apple's  unit it's gone back to them i'm going to  continue using my 13-inch macbook air it  works fine but i'm just glad they  finally did this update that was long  overdue and i kind of wish apple was  more on time with more frequent updates  in general  that's about it  either way in case

 you're wondering the  merch is also now on sale permanently in  stock if you want to grab it link below  that's about it let me know what you  think if you get this or the macbook air  in the comment section below we'll hang  out thanks for watching  catch you guys in the next one  peace   

If you want to buy this laptop click on this link


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