Israel masses troops on Gaza border as conflict escalates


Israel masses troops on Gaza border as conflict escalates
Israel masses troops on Gaza border as conflict escalates 

israel says it's massing troops on the  border  with gaza and calling up thousands of  reservists ahead of a possible  ground invasion of the hamas ruled  territory  overnight the israeli air force stepped  up strikes on gaza as hamas launched  hundreds of rockets far into israel  this comes amid renewed mob violence  between arab and jewish neighbors in  israeli cities  and the death toll in this conflict is  rising  plumes of smoke over gaza  on the ground residents picked through  the destruction caused by  days of israeli air strikes  palestinians in gaza spent the muslim  holiday of eid  under bombardment here amongst the  rubble  there is little to celebrate  [Music]  the israel defense force bombs what it  says  is a military compound belonging to the  palestinian militant group  hamas in gaza it's retaliation for  rockets fired at israel  the conflict between israel and hamas is  escalating  the idf has already attacked hundreds of  targets  and we continue to strike hamas whilst  defending our citizens  it will take more time but with both  defending and attacking  we will restore peace to israel  the air raid siren sound yet again  israeli's run for cover  this time israel's aerial missile  defense system  intercepted a missile but other rockets  have cracked the so-called iron dome  and the reach of hamas seems to be  extending further and further into  israel  this is a neighborhood just 10  kilometers east of tel aviv  in heavily populated central israel  [Music]  as hamas launches more rockets from gaza  negotiators from egypt held talks with  both sides to try and find a truce  egyptian qatari and international  mediators are talking with the  resistance hamas and the israeli  occupation  but every time they make an effort to  create a situation which allows the  aggression to stop  a new israeli decision to destroy towers  and kill children the elderly and women  stifles these efforts  and in gaza as night falls weary  residents are fleeing their homes as a  new round of shelling  hits the city  let's bring in our jerusalem  correspondent here tanya kramer  tanya dramatic developments there in the  past 24 hours how are things looking  there this morning  well absolutely uh overnight there were  massive uh  strikes by the israeli air force the  naval and  artillery mainly in the northern part of  gaza  the army says that 160 planes were  involved in those strikes and  bombardments  and they say the targets were mainly  underground tunnels  a tunnel system that is used by hamas  and islamic jihad  inside gaza now this has of course  caused immense devastation and hardship  for the residents  in this area which were reportedly  not being warned of this bombing  campaign  according to the army again 55  rockets were fired from gaza into  israel overnight there were no rockets  overnight fired into central israel  and also in a parallel development there  were new  violence renewed violence and also riots  and protests  and confrontations between  far-right jewish extremists and  people from the arab-israeli community  in those mixed towns across  israel that we've seen overnight now  israel is making no  secret of the fact that it is massing  troops at the gaza  border is a ground offensive imminent  tanya  well we know that there are preparations  and  we understand from the army that plans  are being drafted  but at the moment we get a sense that  the  campaign is mainly focused on the the  air force  naval and artillery from outside of gaza  there had been reports overnight  based on a tweet that came out from the  military spokesperson's  office that had created some confusion  but  the military confirmed this morning  there are no  ground troops in gaza at the moment  what about efforts to end this fighting  tanya how much hope is  there for diplomacy here  while on an international level  diplomacy seems to move  or appears to move rather slow we  understand that now  a u.n security council meeting has  been scheduled for a sunday but i think  the focus as we also heard in the report  is on  regional efforts and in previous rounds  of hostilities or during the wars  egypt qatar and the united nations have  played a role in mediating  uh between the warring factions but we  also have heard again from  the israeli prime minister benjamin  netanyahu last night in a statement  that the operation would take as long as  necessary so at the moment we have no  indication  uh when those mediation mediation  efforts will see  any results tonya thank you so much dw's  jerusalem correspondent tanya kramer  well for more on the humanitarian  situation in gaza let's bring in  matthias  mala he's gaza director of the un relief  and works agency  responsible for the welfare of palestine  refugees he joins us from  gaza city thanks for being with us mr  smaller give us a sense of the  humanitarian situation in gaza right now  good morning to you terry and thank you  for giving me this  opportunity to talk about that the  situation  is a mixture of things there is despair  yesterday was the first day of eid after  ramadan and i think people are in  despair that they cannot celebrate  this religious festivity that is so  important  there is people terrified after three  days and three nights of intense  rockets from here but intense bombarding  into gaza  people are terrified and that's one  reason why they're  on the move there are there are rise  there's a rising human cost  among the people killed as you mentioned  at the beginning there are eight  children that went to our unra un  schools  and then there's homelessness people are  on the move  we have the reports i'm getting this  morning is that there are 16 schools of  our schools where people  are seeking shelter in one school tooth  more than 2  000 people so the despair and  humanitarian needs are growing  your agency ordered staff to stay home i  understand from its  from its clinics in order to keep them  safe  how are you assisting civilians in this  situation  so we were able to provide primary  health care through our 22 health  centers on the first  day but then on the second day my chief  of health a fantastic palestinian doctor  dr  radha she was the one who called me  early in the morning and said this is  too hot as she put it this is too  dangerous we have to today at least  keep the health centers closed this is  coming from a woman  who is very proud to say in 2014 we  didn't shut one day so it gives you a  sense of the seriousness  back to your question we've kept our  sanitation services open  yesterday because of the eid holiday  everything was going to stop anyway  today we've resumed sanitation so  cleaning in the eight camps  and tomorrow we hope that the situation  will  facilitate primary health care the next  big challenge is to support people in  our  in our schools who are seeking shelter  so we will do what we can  to provide support the most basic  support to the internally displaced  gaza is under bombardment it's in the  middle of a pandemic  how are hospitals in gaza coping at this  point  um barely is my understanding i haven't  been  in the last two three days for obvious  reasons my the reports i'm getting is  they're barely coping fortunately  the devastating second wave of the covet  pandemic  was starting to ease off so they were  under pressure but it was starting to be  manageable  so far my understanding is they can cope  with the casualty casualties  and injured but of course if this  continued if there were a ground  offensive  the hospitals would very very soon reach  maximum capacity and that would be a  serious humanitarian problem  i understand that water is a concern  clean water sanitation facilities in  gaza  there's concern about the fuel supply  electricity  what do civilians in gaza need most at  this point  well you know to be honest what they  need most is for the fighting to stop  of course but that's a given and what is  needed most  is to make sure they have their basic  food needs covered for the moment there  seems to be enough food in the markets  but of course if people flee their homes  as they have started doing since  yesterday and are in shelters  or with relatives food needs will  increase you mentioned water at the best  of times  there is not enough safe water supply so  water will  very quickly become a huge issue and  then let me say finally that beyond the  basic  needs food and non-food items there will  be mental health needs you know we've we  are  in 14 years of blockade we've had the  great marches of return we've had covet  and now this  mental health needs are increasing and  we should not lose sight of that  including  if there are thousands of people in  shelters there's bound to be  gender-based violence  pressure on children so we must also  from the beginning think about and  address the mental health of people and  well-being  thank you for taking time to talk with  us today that was mathiasmala gaza  director of the un relief and works  agency responsible for the welfare  of palestine refugees  thank you  within israel the conflict is fueling  confrontations in some communities as  mobs and arabs of and jews confront each  other on the streets simmering tensions  in several mixed cities are boiling over  into violence  a brutal attack on the streets of  baatyam a group of far-right israelis  pull an arab man out of his car  and beat him  [Music]  [Applause]  mob attacks as well in the city of lud  this surveillance footage shows  palestinian youths attacking an orthodox  jew  elsewhere clashes erupted between arabs  and israeli police  the violence is fueling fears that  israel could be headed for civil war  jews and arabs who live side by side in  israel's so-called mixed cities  are deeply concerned  we need to live here together  coexistence we need to be partners to  each other  this airborned ice cream store in batyam  was vandalized by a right-wing jewish  mob  its owner says she was shocked by the  violence  most of my customers are arabs or jews  we've been mixed together this whole  time  i never felt like there was something  wrong they used to come up and try to  talk to me in arabic  it was normal i never felt anything  wrong  in these towns are just hoping the  unrest will end soon  we are all israelis arabs jews we are  israelis they are wonderful  and it's just so heartbreaking what  happened  and may it never happen again but an end  to this conflict on israel's streets  appears a long way  off the prime minister has warned that  violence is likely to increase  in the coming days  well tensions from the  israeli-palestinian conflict have  spilled over to cities around the world  including here in germany there have  been renewed protests against  israel's military operations in several  german cities with  over 1500 people gathering in the  northern city of bremen  and there have also been anti-semitic  incidents of vandalism targeting jewish  places of worship  police arrested more than a dozen men  suspected of damaging a synagogue in  bonn and  starting a fire at a jewish memorial  site on dusseldorf  germany's jewish community is calling  for more protection at jewish  institutions  you    

Israel masses troops on Gaza border as conflict escalates
Israel masses troops on Gaza border as conflict escalates 

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