Agent sleep


Agent sleep

agency  sleep  is an essential function that allows our  body and mind to recharge leaving us  refreshed and alert when we wake up  healthy sleep also helps our body remain  hearty and stave off diseases  without enough sleep the brain cannot  function properly  the energy conservation of theory of  sleep suggests that the main purpose of  sleep is to reduce a person's energy use  during times when it's inconvenient and  less sufficient to hunt for food  but scientists simply don't know for  sure because when we sleep we become  unconscious and paralyzed  if we look at sleeping from the point of  natural selection it made our ancestors  vulnerable to attack from wild animals  so the potential risks of this process  which is universal among mammals and  many other groups must offer some sort  of evolutionary advantage right  but like i said scientists don't know  for sure and research in this area is  slow although new suggestions and  theories are coming out every day  and while scientists keep examining and  researching on as to why we sleep a  certain agent sleep who is oblivious  and apathetic to what humans think  goes on about his daily work  to put human beings to sleep  [Music]  mommy  i don't want to sleep i want to watch  cartoons please  nancy honey  we are not doing this again  yes nancy honey we're so not doing this  again  but  mommy  close your eyes and go to sleep  good night  good night  well  i'm not  going to sleep i won't read a comic book  no  oh no you're not  [Music]  what is so social you read but for now  you're going to sleep drift away drift  away let your dreams speak  tomorrow will be a new day but for now  you are going to sleep  and at once little nancy was sleeping  like a log  [Music]  so as you see agent sleep would go from  house to house and make people fall  asleep  and he loved his job it was simple  recite the poem sprinkle the sleep dust  and low you have a human snoring like a  bear  at that moment everything seemed changed  about the place  what is so socially we but for now  you're going to sleep  what an emergency  drift away drift away let your dreams be  tomorrow will be a new day but for now  you're going to sleep  goodnight sleep tight  an emergency on my watch  no  agent sleep hurried to the location of  the emergency  it trickled inside the house through the  door gap and  yeah don't worry you go to sleep i will  finish the project and send it to you by  morning good night  let's get to work  let's get to work eh don't you know that  night is for sleeping and days were  working agent sleep removed from his bag  the bottle of sleep dust  pouring a little of it on his hand he  kept it back inside and then flew across  the room and stopped right in front of  marvin  what is so social you reap but for now  you're going to sleep drift away drift  away let your dreams speak tomorrow will  be a new day but for now  you are going to sleep  oh  yes  that happened  marvin bent down to pick up the pen and  the sleep dust flew right past over his  head the wind coming through the window  busted right back in the same direction  and  no  yes the agent of sleep was struck by his  own sleep dust and at once he saw the  whole room spinning around him he says  not  happening  with a thump he fell on the ground and  [Music]  marvin meanwhile continued with his work  an hour passed agent sleep woke up with  a startle  you silly human  and again asian sleep removed his sleep  dust flew across the room and stopping  just near marvin and began to recite the  sleeping poem but this time in a hurry  what you're so social you weep but for  now you're going to sleep drift away  drift away let your dreams pick tomorrow  will be a new day but for now you're  going to sleep  this time the sleep dust hit the target  marvin at once began to feel sleepy  ah  i better go make myself a cup of coffee  what no  not coffee  coffee was asian sleep's biggest enemy  because coffee contains caffeine and  when caffeine heats our brain it adheres  to the brain's adenosine receptors  adenosine is what helps us feel sleepy  so when caffeine binds to those  adenosine receptors it stops our brain  from feeling tired  i will not let this happen  not on my watch  but  it was too late by the time agent sleep  reached the kitchen area marvin had  already poured himself a cup of coffee  and had taken a big sip  feels so good  now back to work  [Music]  i did not want it to be this way but you  gave me no choice time to bring in the  sleep dust premium that's right human  agent sleep removed from his bag a  bottle of sleep dust that was silver in  color  two times more effective than  poordenaris sleep dust  let's go  what is so social you reap  nah we're way past that  and as the sleep dust premium hit marvin  his eyelids became heavy  and at once  sleep came to marvin in waves and before  he knew it he fell asleep  i did it good night sleep tight a happy  agent sleep flew towards the window to  leave but at that moment marvin's phone  rang what no  not that now  smartphones were agent sleep's second  biggest enemy for the blue light emitted  by cell phone screen restrain the  production of melatonin the hormone that  controls the sleep wake cycle aka  circadian rhythm  this makes it difficult for someone to  fall asleep  and in this case it woke marvin up  yes uh hi melinda  yes yes i'm on it will do thank you bye  come on marvin  you cannot fall asleep this project is  important  marvin drank the rest of the coffee in  large cups and restroomed his work  and then  agent sleep removed from his bag what  was called sleep dust galaxy pro max  this will do  even an earthquake will not wake you up  before you complete your sleep but as  agent sleep was about to blow the sleep  dust marvin stood up to stretch his arms  that startled agently and he dropped the  bottle of sleep dust galaxy pro max  the sleep dust filled the entire room  and before you know it  marvin was sleeping on the floor  and  so was agent sleep  what  no  what  no  they will fire me  i'm so finished  what  and that's when agent sleep's eyes fell  on the several pieces of documents that  were narcissists for unpaid bills  oh no  what have i done  i must help him  [Music]  when marvin reached his office  mentally prepared in his head that he  was going to get fired he was surprised  everyone  literally everyone was sleeping um  marvin didn't know what had happened but  he did not wait to find out for he  quickly sat at his desk and began to  work on the project  it took him two hours to finish the work  and then one by one everyone woke up  confused  what next  well  after not being able to find the reason  as to why everyone fell asleep  the office went on as usual  marvin's boss appreciated his work and  was mighty impressed with the project  and while everyone clapped agent sleep  smiled for it was him who had put  everyone to sleep  well my job here is done all the best  marvin  and so agent sleep flew away feeling  happy and content  [Music]  but that incident made him very anxious  about trying to put people to sleep who  would want to stay up  and so when he sees someone on their  phone or computer or drinking coffee at  night he simply doesn't bother them and  moves on to the next house  that's why the rate of insomnia has gone  up steeply as technology rose  so remember  when you are all done for the day and go  to bed make sure you keep your phones  aside and close your eyes  because like i said earlier healthy  sleep helps our body remain hearty and  stave off diseases  you   

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